Saturday, October 27, 2007

Real quick

I just want to say for all of those that are going to tell me or already have said, even joking, that is child abuse, or I can't believe you did that to your kid...clearly it did upset her, but she is unharmed & very happy! My mom pierced both me & my sisters ears when we were babies & look we are just fine, can't really say we are normal ;)! Nana held her the whole time & she got lots & lots of comforting, I think getting 2-3 shots at a time from the Dr. is more torturous, which she gets ice cream for...Mom, we should have done that!

Madilyn's ears pierced

This is a picture of a child who has no idea what is about to happen, she isn't unhappy, just hadn't been awake for very long!
Marking the spot...

the 1st one goes in...

...and the 2nd, we had to go from the pacifier to the bottle

Clearly this didn't make her a happy baby, but she is so pretty & there will be no more mistaking her for a boy!
As long as we kept her bottle in her mouth she was just fine. She only cried for 5 minutes, if that! She has thrown bigger fits than that over nothing! I remember when Emma had hers done she screamed for 2 hrs!
Here we are today & she has already forgotten, I know I'm partial & have said it before, but isn't she amazingly beautiful? It has to be a hat day, her hair (what little she has) keeps getting "fuzzy"!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Quote of the Day

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Bescaglia

Sucking the bottom lip!

She spits out her pacifier to suck on her bottom lip! Look t those big beautiful blue eyes!
Afternoon nap...
...if you look closely you can see indentions on her chin & neck from the was funny...I guess if you were there!

Russian Antonov

This is currently parked behind our hangar, it looks much bigger in person than in the pics, althought you can see the difference when it is sitting next to our Beech 1900D!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a rough day! It was laundry day & after we got home & she had her bath she was zonked out!
Her favorite play time, it's really cute to watch her wide-eyed mouth open trying to get that ball in her mouth, last night she actually pulled the ball off of the velcro!

Right before I took this picture she had rolled from her stomach to her back, of course I wasn't camera ready & she hasn't done it again since then! This is about all the tummy time she gets more than 5 min & she gets fussy, which really isn't even the word for it becuase she pushes her head into the blanket screaming...she does not like it, but I still try, everyday!
Madi is almost ready to sit up on her own, until then the boppy will help her!

Madilyn loves her dragonfly, I think she likes the crinkly noise in the wings. When I have it hanging from her carseat everytime she falls asleep she has her hand holding on to the rings like a security blanket. It was too cute & I couldn't resist!
Mommy what am I supposed to do with this? First time in the Johnny Jumper & she wasn't quite sure what to think!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Spoiled but Cute

Wearing her bib that Aunt Jayne & Uncle Ulf got her in Sweden, says "Spoiled but Cute"
When I was feeding Madi this morning she took her hands & held her bottle, not quite sure how to fully operate those hands yet & when she took the bottle out of her mouth she looked at me, a very dirty look & puckered up like I took it away!

Madilyn & Aunt Margaret...I don't know what it is with Madi's eyes, it must be the shade of blue, but even with the anti-red eye flash on she still has red eyes!
With Nana for our weekly dinner at LeMonde Deli

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Aunt Rhandi -Madi loves to spit up on her, I thought she was crazy for lifting her up like that...but she was safe!
I cannot believe how much she is changing! She has lost the newborn baby look!

Sitting up -she doesn't get much tummy time because she HATES it & cries after about 7 min, but she is a very strong little girl!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

In memory of our beloved friend...

Bosco aka Boscorelli (that was my name for him!) passed away this morning at the young age of 9 months~he was a sweetheart of a wild dog & gave a new meaning to "ankle biter"! LOL His life was short but full of love!

Beloved pet, loyal companion, faithful friend. A true friend can never be replaced, only remembered with love.

I forgot to say

The pics below after my sis & I were taken at the lake where my mom lives we spent the afternoon there for the annual homeowners association fall was a beautiful day, although a tad windy!

family weekend!


My sis & I watching game 3 Yankees vs. Indians at the O~I threw the hat off sometime during game 4 damn Yankees!!!
Madi & her Nana

Amazingly beautiful!

I think I will stretch out right here...

She has mastered sleeping! Of course she had a long day, we got up & went to church Sunday morning~kudos for mom, woke up an hour before we had to be there, but we were there & pretty! Leslee & Scott were excited to see Madilyn, Scott said she sure is cute!

Hayden Riley

Amber, Madi & Hayden (he is a year & 6 days older than Madi!)~it's cute, Amber is holding his arm so he doesn't smack Madi, he already had gotten her once, she didn't know what to think of that! He didn't mean to though, he is still learning how to be "gentle" with the baby. I remember when he was Madi's size!

Look, it is my 1st pic taken with my very own digital camera...FINALLY! Thank you to Miss Amber (holding Madi)...and it is pink too!


Saturday evening me, my sis & Madilyn went to my dad's house for pizza with the girls! Three of my nieces were there, Destiny, Tisha & Sierra (she wouldn't let me take her pic). It has been a while since we saw them & spent good quality time, so it was a really nice evening! The girls were playing downstairs of course their noise traveled up the stairs & Madilyn kept looking around like, I want to go play with those girls...soon enough baby girl!

Grandma holding Madilyn (pic is a little bright!) Grandpa is trying to get her to say "Papa"

Destiny, Tisha & Madilyn

Tisha & Madilyn (Grandpa's "big" buddy) ~she loves this little one SO much! Grandpa watched Madi one day & Tisha was out of school only thing she wanted to do with her day off was stay home & help Grandpa with the baby...

Grandpa & Madilyn (Grandpa's "little" buddy)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

starting to hold her bottle...

Look mama it's almost time to eat...
Mommy took my bottle away...I might cry...
here comes the pucker...
please can I have it back?
happy again & holding her bottle, of course it is leaning against my chest, but they way her hand is it's too cute!