Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a rough day! It was laundry day & after we got home & she had her bath she was zonked out!
Her favorite play time, it's really cute to watch her wide-eyed mouth open trying to get that ball in her mouth, last night she actually pulled the ball off of the velcro!

Right before I took this picture she had rolled from her stomach to her back, of course I wasn't camera ready & she hasn't done it again since then! This is about all the tummy time she gets more than 5 min & she gets fussy, which really isn't even the word for it becuase she pushes her head into the blanket screaming...she does not like it, but I still try, everyday!
Madi is almost ready to sit up on her own, until then the boppy will help her!

Madilyn loves her dragonfly, I think she likes the crinkly noise in the wings. When I have it hanging from her carseat everytime she falls asleep she has her hand holding on to the rings like a security blanket. It was too cute & I couldn't resist!
Mommy what am I supposed to do with this? First time in the Johnny Jumper & she wasn't quite sure what to think!

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